
Here you can find some of my projects I have been working on during my free time and my university studies:

Professional projects:

Open Capture and Analytics Tool

Open source tool for performance capturing and benchmarking of games. Developed for AMD.

University projects:

Master thesis A Unified Particle Rendering Pipeline for Games

Volumetric ray-marching with an adaptive world space grid. Separation of different media frequencies. Developed with Vulkan and C++.

IFC to Unreal

Inter disciplinary project with the objective to port an IFC data set to Unreal Engine.

Interactive Visual Data Analysis

A framework I worked on for a practical university course for rendering of scalar and vector volume data sets.

Bachelor's thesis VR Exploration

I developed a framework for movement in virtual reality with Oculus Rift and Leap Motion. This was included into a volume data renderer.

Into Darkness

An isometric third person shooter we developed during a semester at university with C++ and DirectX from scratch. My summary of the development can be read in this blog post.

Ice base

A blender project I created with the objective to design a sci fi building that could be constructed in a ice environment.


Platformer game with indirect movements where the player rotates the world and the game objects react based on this. Made with Unity.

Flappy Owl

Flappy bird like game for the course active sports games using Kinect to capture the players movement. Made with Unity

Interactive Visualization

A Unity project we created in collaboration with an architect. The idea was to explore new ways to perceive architecture.

Hobby projects:

Tiled Forward Plus Rendering

Tiled Forward Plus Rendering using compute shaders to cull lights per screen tile.


A small framework to test out different graphic effects implemented with C++ and DirectX 11, following the Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11 book.


A small Unity game for up to four players I worked on during the post semester project that is played with one button according to the game jam theme "button".